Crazy Egg ads seen lot these days, what is it all about?

I have been seeing advertisements of Crazy Egg in many blogs, sites and even in Facebook. I think Crazy egg is now crazy about increasing its leads.  Crazy Egg is a company that helps website owners to visualize visitor activity, it also says that it gives more information than Google webmaster or analytics give. This company is co-founded by Neil Patel and Hiten Shah. Neil Patel is not a new name he also owns two more companies called Quick sprout a SEO company and Kiss-metrics. I like the Kissmetrics quote in their website which says
Google Analytics tells you what happened, KISSmetrics tells you who did it.
Features of Crazy Egg:

This company uses this word called Heat Map - A picture of where people clicked on your site. This tells you what's hot and what's not, so you can make change that matter.Depending upon the region where the user activity is more a blog or a website owner can place their important information, their product's link or 3rd party advertisements. So they actually increase your income that's what they say in their website. Below you can see some of the pictures of their ads posted in Facebook as well as Adsense ads.
Crazy Egg Tools:

User who registers to crazy Egg will have four tools a Heatmap tool, a scrollmap tool, an overlay tool and a confetti tool. The scroll map shows how far down the page people are scrolling and helps determine where visitors abandon the page. Now you’ll know exactly where to add elements to hold a visitor’s interest longer. When you look at the overlay report, you’ll be able to see the number of clicks on each element of your page. Now you can work on getting more of the clicks that make you money (and less of the ones that don’t). With confetti you will be able to distinguish all the clicks you get on your site segmented by referral sources, search terms & more. Once you know where your most valuable clicks traffic is coming from, you've uncovered the exact traffic sources that bring high revenue with little effort.

Pricing for using Crazy Egg:

Their are four plans which one can choose depending upon the number of visitors their site gets. All the plans are free for one month if you are happy with the service then you need to pay from the next month. So if at all you don't want to continue the second month you can cancel your account. Pricing ranges from 9$ per month to 99$ per month. So want to give it a try, visit crazy egg website for more...

1 comment:

  1. I also read about this option many times, and from this description I got a complete overview. You have nicely explained all about this great tool which is used for website optimization. Thanks for sharing this detail.


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