TRAI – Crowdsourcing views/ Opinions on calling cards, intends to make STD and ISD cheaper

STD and ISD cheaper
The STD and ISD calls will come down as TRAI started the process to make calling cards more friendly and attractive for end users. The objective of the consultation paper is to discuss the various issues related to revenue sharing arrangements for Intelligent Network Based Calling Card Services.


This Consultation Paper provides the relevant background information and discusses the need and methodology to determine the charges to be paid by the National Long Distance Operator and International Long Distance Operator to the Access Providers for Calling Card Services. It invited comments on the subject by November 28 and counter-comments by December 6.

Trai felt that calling card business could not pick up in India as telecom operators were demanding high access charges to connect to long distance operators. In India there are about 27 International Long Distance Operators that have license to provide ISD service and 34 National Long Distance Operators that can provide STD service.

If everything goes as planned we can see huge drop in ISD and STD calling in coming days from operators.


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