Aircel Partners with D-Link, offers free 3G data for customers who activate Aircel 3G SIM on D-Link data Card

Aircel has partnered with D-Link to offer 3G data benefits to its customers across the country. The reverse...

Nexus 7(2013) vs iPad Mini 2: A brief Overview of Specifications

It is again that time of the year when the juggernauts of operating systems, iOS and Android put...

Intex to launch India’s first true Octa Core smartphone

Sometime earlier this year, Mediatek introduced its octa core processor in which all the cores could work all...

Qualcomm’s Smartwatch Toq to hit the shelves wef Dec 2 priced at $349.99

Qualcomm’s Toq Smartwatch will be available for end users starting Dec 2nd and will be priced at $349.99....

TRAI – Crowdsourcing views/ Opinions on calling cards, intends to make STD and ISD cheaper

The STD and ISD calls will come down as TRAI started the process to make calling cards more...

Xolo Q1000 Opus with Broadcomm Processor to be launched later this month

Xolo is one of the most trusted and celebrated maker of smartphones in the Indian market. It is...

Exclusive: BSNL To Launch “Re 1 BSNL Store” Soon, to compete with pvt operators

As per our sources BSNL will be soon implementing “Re 1 BSNL Store” for its customers like how...

Apple starts rolling out a buyback scheme for iPhone 5C and iPhone 4S

In a move to increase its sales in the Indian market, Apple has now come up with a...

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